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Separator Privacy Policy What is a Privacy Policy?

A Privacy Policy is a document that describes the way in which your personal data is treated while you surf a web page.

The following paragraphs contain information on how SpiritVG handles web users' personal data in processes where such data is collected.


The objective of our Newsletter is to keep voluntarily added users informed about news at SpiritVG.

The registration process includes an activation e-mail to avoid undesired additions. There is also an automated deregistering system, the instructions of which are always present in any e-mails sent from the newsletter.

Additionally, in the event of difficulties with automated deregistering, you can contact us for personal attention.


SpiritVG uses the forums as a way to get in touch with users of the company's products. Their purpose is to give players a way to get in touch with each other, allowing opinion and information sharing. It also provides a platform to make solutions to previously raised questions and problems available to all users.

Posting topics with racist, xenophobic or sexist content is strictly prohibited. SpiritVG expressly reserves the right to remove messages that may unreasonably harm the company, or those not related to the objectives of the forums.

Posts are uploaded instantly to the forums for convenience. This makes it impossible to control the content of the posts in realtime. SpiritVG is committed to periodically removing messages with obscene, abusive or obscene content.

SpiritVG will also remove, for the sake of its users' security, any posts containing personal data, with the aiming of avoiding any problems derived from the publicity of such data.


The SpiritVG blog is meant to provide the users of SpiritVG with a place to follow news about the studio and its products.

SpiritVG will occasionally post news on the activity of the studio. Most posts will allow comment. Comments are published instantly, but will be monitored as often as possible. Any comment featuring racist, xenophobic or sexist content will be deleted.

Comments containing unjustified attacks against SpiritVG or that are simply unrelated to the news will also be deleted.

The blog allows voluntary subscription to new posts and comments on posts. This subscription can be easily cancelled through the appropriate method.

Tell a Friend

The Tell a Friend form lets the user provide their own e-mail and another e-mail from a friend, thus allowing SpiritVG to send a discount to each e-mail address. This will only occur after the user's friend confirms they know the user.

This is an automated process, and will not include any of the e-mails in any mailing list or any other marketing system.

Contact Form

The Contact Us form allows SpiritVG users to send private or personal questions. Technical or gameplay questions, as well as any other question which may be of interest to other users, should be addressed to the forums.

The Contact Us form requires an e-mail address from the user, so the answer may be sent to that address. This address will generally be used only for this purpose, but SpiritVG reserves the right to use this address for other purposes, depending on the nature of the question. These other purposes may include suscription to SpiritVG mailing lists or bulletins; it will never be shared with third parties.

Log Files

As do many other websites, SpiritVG automatically generates log files containing access data, such as the IP Protocol, the browser, entry and outgoing pages, date and time, and visit data.

SpiritVG uses this information, which does not identify individual users, to analyse trends, manage the web site, observe the site browsing, and gather demographic information about our users as a whole.

This process does not store any identifiable personal information.


The SpiritVG.com website uses cookies to store preferences of use (such as language) on your computer, the only objective being to improve website navigation. If you have disabled the use of cookies, you will still be able to browse the website, but without the advantages of cookies.

Links to External Sites

SpiritVG reserves the right to link to other websites that are not company related.

SpiritVG is not responsible for any consequences derived from the use of those links, though the policy will always be to avoid linking to sites with potentially harmful or illegal content.

This Privacy Policy is in no way extensible to the outside linked sites, which shall be governed by their own Privacy Policies.

Privacy Policy Changes

SpiritVG reserves the right to modify the present Privacy Policy, and is committed to notifying users of the changes through the newsletter and the main page.

Law and Jurisdiction

Any eventuality not covered by these terms, or any claim about the interpretation of the present Privacy Policy, shall be governed by Spanish law, and should be brought to the jurisdiction of the Courts of Barcelona.

The original language of this document is Castilian, and this version will therefore be prioritized when discussing any contingency.

If you have any doubts or questions, please contact us. Yours sincerely:

The Staff of SpiritVG


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